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Martha Cleveland-Innes
Professor, Open, Digital, and Distance Education, Athabasca University

Debra Dell

D. Randy Garrison
Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary

Carmen Jensen-Tebb
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology

Stefan Stenbom
Assoc. Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Norm Vaughan
Professor, Mount Royal University

Dan Wilton
Site Administrator and Developer, Athabasca University


Noorhidayah Binti A.Kassim
Universiti Malaysia Sabah /Politeknik Malaysia

Yassine AAMOU
University Mohamed 1st Oujda

men morocco

jawhara abueita
Al-Balqa Applied University

Universidad Javeriana

Vicky Aglae
Teacher, Primary School

Anayeli Silva Aguilar
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

Mubarik Ahmad
YARSI University

Trabzon University

Jen Akeroyd

Dr. Alexander Osondu Akpodiete
Frederick Community College

Daniel Villalba Algas
University of Sheffield

Tanya Allan

James A. Allen
ION Pulmonary Health

mustapha almasi
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Abdullah Almohaya
King Khalid University

Virginia Alonso
Doctoral Candidate, Teaching and Learning, Stem, The Ohio State University, Design to Align, LLC

Wadhha Abdullah Alsaadi
University since Malaysia

wadha Abdullah Alsaadi
University since Malaysia


univesity of jordan

Jessica Amato
Napa Valley College

Isaac Abraham Ameh
Education Officer, Ministry of Education, Benin City

Seeven Amic

Quinland Anderson

John Anderson
Kennesaw State University

Carolyn Andrews
Brigham Young University

Nick Andrews
Wales School for Social Care Research, Swansea University

PhD student, University of Malaya

université de Genève - TECFA

Université Laval

Mark Anthoney
Instructional Designer, Seattle University

Eli Appleby-Donald
Educational Technologist, The University of Edinburgh

Dawn Archibold
Instructional Designer, Arkansas State University

Dawn Archibold
Instructional Designer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Gerald Ardito
Assistant Professor, STEM Education, Pace University School of Education

Jati Ariati
Assistant prof at Diponegoro University and Ph.D. candidate at Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma State University, Diponegoro University


George Godzilla Asoe-Anyinah
Ghana Education Service

Dr. Selom Assignon
Manager, Instructional Design, City Colleges of Chicsago

Indiana University

Bamidele Victor Ayodele
UTP Malaysia

Yasin Üngören
Researcher, Sakarya University

Andrea Baas
Purdue University

Debbie Baff
Senior Academic Developer, Swansea University

Lisa Bage
University of Pennsylvania

Susan Bainbridge
Adjunct Professor, Athabasca University, Oldenburg University, Athabasca University

Susan Bainbridge
Athabasca University

Jhon Hayden Bale
UP Diliman

Karin Barac
Learning and Teaching Consultant, Griffith Unviersity

Rita Barrera
University of the Pacific

Bonnie Basham
Valley Local Schools

Tela Bayamna
Withrow High School

Branislav Bédi
Project Manager / Researcher, The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

Aryeh Ben-Chayim
Beit- Berl College

Tracey Benettolo
Education Strategist, The Training Room Online

Val Bentinck
Associate Lecturer/Doctoral student, Open University

Tanya Beran
University of Calgary

Timothy Berg
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Sonya Berges
Grand Canyon University

Dênia Falcão de Bittencourt
Teacher research, IPE - empresa Hub DNA USP

Angela Blackshaw
St Petersburg College

Andrea E. Blair
Math Teacher Leader and Doctoral Student, Johnson and Wales University & Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy

Lisa Marie Blaschke
Program director and instructor, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Todd J. B. Blayone

Jennifer Bloomingdale
Online and Blended Learning Training Specialist and Instructional Designer, NERIC and EduSpark

Yvonne Bogard
Regis University

Isabelle van der Bom
Chemnitz University of Technology

NSABIMANA Bonnechance
High school

norbert kiprop boruett
amref international universtiy

Linda Bowler

Christy Boyce
Respiratory Therapy educator - Fraser Health Authority, Royal Roads University

Fiona Boyle
Lancaster University

Amanda Braun

Jens Breivik
UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Anne Briggs
Adjunct Instructor/Consultant

Barb Brown
Instructor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

Kelli Buckreus
Athabasca University & University of Alberta


Minh Bui
Lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, RMIT University

Molly Campbell
Oregon Health & Science University

Kahramanmaraş İstiklal Üniversitesi

Département of Gironde at Bordeaux (similar to a County)

Francisca Capponi

University of Toronto

Michael Cellini
Principal, St. Gabriel Online School

Cliona Jane Chadwick
University of Limerick

Anne Chamberlain
City University of New York

Roger Chambers
University of North Texas

Chan Chang-Tik
Monash University Malaysia




MayAnn Chew
Learning Facilitator, The Malaysian Inst of Management (MIM)

Mike Chiariello
University of Northampton

Jacquelyn Christy
Tustin Unified School District; Arizona State University

Leah Chuchran-Davis

Heather Coats
University of Colorado, College of Nursing

Mark Coleman
EdD student in Learning Design & Performance Technology, Florida State University

Susanne Colquhoun
University of Calgary

Karen G. Conner
William & Mary

Vanessa Cooper
RMIT University

Andrea Cooperberg
John Abbott College

Michelle Cranny
The Institute of Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy

Dr Tracy Crowther
Project Manager, University of Kent

Edward Crutchleo
Antioch University

Andy Cui
Villanova University

Tristan Cui
Monash University

Bart Cummins
Master's student at Royal Roads University

Lisa Curran

Peter D'Angelo
Fort Hays State University

Osun State University

Sara Daniels
Red Deer College

Jennifer Daniels
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Susanne Dau
University College of Northern Denmark UCN

Christine Davis
Appalachia Intermediate Unit

Dennis J DeBay
CU Denver

Glenna Decker
Grand Valley State University

Burcu demirci

Lisa Desruisseaux
Quincy College

Higher Ed

Jennifer Dixon
NC State University

Yanning Dong
Tsinghua University

Mae Doran
Athabasca University

Verena Dornauer
Junior Scienitist, UMIT - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology

Sara Downs
Lecturer, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres

Winston Dowrich
Ministry of Education Barbados

Yunus Doğan
Instructor, Fırat university

Mara Driscoll
Lubbock Christian University

Dawn Dunaway
Gadsden State Community College

Joanna Dunlap
Professor, University of Colorado Denver

Teacher, SIHS Kibagabaga

William Dwyer
University of LaVerne

Jeffrey Earp
Instutute for Education Technology, Italian National Research Council (CNR-ITD)

Sarah Elaine Eaton
University of Calgary

Elizabeth A. Ebersole
EdD, Digital Education Leadership, Seattle Pacific University

Dr. Joseph Allen Ed.D.
Workforce Education Solutions: Director of Community College Pathways, National University

Ryan McClintock Ed.D.

Adam Neufield EdD
Researcher/consultant, Xiehe Education Group

Adam Edmett
British Council

Jennifer Edwards
early childhood connections in

Minkie English

Mohammed Estaiteyeh
Assistant Professor, Brock University

Sherryn Evans
Senior Lecturer in Interprofessional Education, Deakin University

Student, University of Education

Mahnaz fatemi
tarbiat modares univercity

Tali Fatiha
associate professor, University Nice Sophia Antipolis

David Favre
Teaching and Learning Specialist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jose Fernando

Miguel Figueroa-Pagan
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico

Yitna Firdyiwek
University of Virginia

Jim Fisher
Entrepreneur and software engineer, Imperial College (alumnus)

William Flynn

Cytella Francis
Therapist & Coach/Doctoral student, Oral Roberts University

Ntezimana Frederic
Students, University of Rwanda

Michael Free
University Lecturer, Chuncheon National University of Education

Don Alger FSC
Ed.D. student, University of Miami

Ilona Van Galen

Barbara Gallina
Associate Professor of Dependable Software Engineering, Mälardalen University

Kelly Galvin
Learning Experience Designer, Laureate International Universities

David Garaventa
Southern New Hampshire University

Ibrahim Garba
e-Learning coordinator, Liverpool University;King Abdulaziz University

Ibrahim Garba

Keidy García
PhD student, University of Informatics Science

Kathryn Garden
SPARK Schools

Hebe Gargiulo
Facultad de Lenguas -Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Annette Garner
Clinical Assistant Professor, OHSU

Nadine Garrison
University of Calgary (Haskayne School of Business) Alumni

Robert Gaunt
Faculty , Family Nurse Practitioner Program, Grand Canyon University

Patty Gómez
Pine Crest School

Shehzad Ghani
University of Ottawa

Hessam Ghassemi
Instructor, Wake Tech CC

Asmaa Ghitri
PhD Researcher at the University of Limerick, EFL Teacher, Limerick University- Ireland.

Jill Giacomini
University of Colorado Denver

Inés Gil-Jaurena
Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Erin Gilbart
Professor, Conestoga College

Kim Gillis
Holland College

Mark Glenn
Shiloh University

Diana Gobin
Lecturer, University of Guyana

Kelli Goldsborough

Joe Gollner
Management Consultant / Postgraduate Researcher, Lancaster University Management School

Maria João Gomes
Assistant professor, University of Minho

Debbie Gonzalez
Humboldt State Univesity and St Thomas University

Ernesto Gonzalez
Instructional Design & Technology (eLearning) MA Graduate Student, University of Central Florida

Rubén Mejía González
Ph. D. in Educational Innovation Student, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Julie Goodrich
Middle TN State University

Fereshte Goshtasbpour
University of Leeds, Manchester Metropolitan University

Daijiro Goto
Associate Professor, Saga university

Lisa Gough
University of New Brunswick

Kyra Mc Gowan-Santana

Celine Greene

Shannon Groff

yingshou guo

Lisa Gurley
Samford University, Ida Moffett School of Nursing

Elba Gutiérrez-Santiuste
Assistant Professor, University of Córdoba

Debolina Halder
Indira Gandhi National Open University

Barbara M. Hall
Director of Curriculum, Northcentral University

Dr Tommie Hamaluba
Botswana Open University

Waleed Mahmoud A. Hamdoun
Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic (SPSP) college

Diane Hamilton
Instructional Designer for Online Teaching and Learning, University at Albany

Lorelei Hanson
Athabasca University

Shari Harrison
Northern Lights College

Shari Harrison
Northern Lights College


Lintang Matahari Hasani
Lecturer, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

UIN Alauddin Makassar

Jenine Hawryluk
Athabasca University

Jenine Hawryluk
Athabasca University

Lori Heath
St. Edward's School, NLESD

Dalize van Heerden
Lecturer, University of South Africa

Géraldine Heilporn
Université Laval

Maureen Hencmann
Regis University

Rick Henderson
Instructor, Wilfrid Laurier University

Cathy Hendon
Trevecca Nazarene University

Sekelekele Heqoa
National Curriculum Development Centre

veronique hespert
université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse 2

Cori Heymann
Ed.M. student, Rutgers University (NB)

Andrew Hibling
EDGE Learning Media

Dawn Hilton
Kansas State University

Elizabeth Hobbs
Grand Canyon University

Bill Hodges
University of Guelph English Language Programs

Heidi Hoernig
Partnership for Research with African Newcomers (University of Alberta)

Rick Holbeck
Grand Canyon University

Martin Holland
University of Guelph

Paige Holmes
Instructional designer, TSU and EdD student at Union University, Union University

Dana Horn
Branch Chief, USAF

Mehmet Barış Horzum
Professor, Sakarya University

Connie Houser
University of Phoenix

Stephanie Howell
Gold EDu

Jane Howley

FA Triatmoko HS
Universitas Indonesia

Sarah Hyde
Charles Sturt University

William C. Hyder
Professor of Leadership | School of Business and Management, National University

Marium Iqbal
Jinnah Medical and Dental College

Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana

Jesse Ireland
Columbus City Schools

Fatenah G. Issa
Instructional Designer III, Orbis Education

Najla lilya jaballah
Limerick university

Denise Jaffe
Landmark College

Geeta Jakkaraju
Learning Designer, Brown University

Jimmy Jaldemark
Department of Education, Mid Sweden University

Djenana Jalovcic
Doctoral Candidate, Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University

Susan Jamieson
University of Glasgow

Malin Jansson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Radhika Jha

College English teacher, Hengshui University, Hebei Province, China

jiangsu normal university

Stacee Johnson
Texas A&M Commerce

Jason Paul Johnston
Director of Teaching & Learning, University of Kentucky

Joshua Aaron Jones
Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Dennis Jones
Professor of Computer Information Systems, Tarleton State University

Jon Jorgensen
Professional Scrum Trainer, Landmark Agilists

Ronnie Wilson Jr.
St. Mary's University School of Law

Maria Jump
Associate Teaching Professor, Northeastern University

Dr. Ayşegül Liman Kaban
Bahçeşehir University

Eva Kaczko
University of Innsbruck; Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology

Paul N Kahenya
Africa Nazarene University

Edward Kairiss
Director of Faculty Development and Innovation, Bryant University

Anastasia Kalogiannidou
phd student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Florence Wanja Kamonjo
Lecturer, University of Kabianga

Danielle Kanastab

Prakash Chandra Kasera
Bayalasi P. G. College, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, UP

Anastasios Katsaris
Educational Consultant,

David Kendall
Professor of Economics and Finance, Univsersity of Virginia Wise

Valarie Kerr-Davis
Carmen Rene Memorial

Petra Key

Tshireletso Philemon Kgosiemang
Botswana Open University

Sharaz Khan
University of Calgary

Md Arif Khan
Asmani Bidayakanon

Karina Khasnulina

Milad Khazraee
Faculty, Conestoga College

university of south Africa

Selcan Kilis
Assistant Professor,

Jeanne Kim
Athabasca University

Bernard Kimani
Africa International University

Abigail Kathambi Kithinji
Laaisamis Technical Training Institute

Tove Kvarnmalm Kjellberg
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Alan Knowles
MacEwan University

Brenda Knox
Duke University

May Kocatepe

Douglas J. Koch
Doctoral Candidate, New Jersey City University


Katerina Kourkouli
English Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

kadir kozan
assist. prof., bilgi university

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier
Associate Dean (Research) | Chair, Adult Education, Yorkville University

Joyce Kraus
Full-time Faculty, DSW student, University of St. Thomas

Wawan Krismanto
Lecturer, Researcher, Makassar State University, Indonesia

Ivana Krsmanovic
University of Kragujevac

Melis Kural
Monroe Community College

Mary Beth Kurilko
Thomas Jefferson University

Randy LaBonte
CEO, Canadian eLearning Network

Monash University

Mia Lamm
Center for Teaching and Learning, The Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health

Tracy Lampley
Volunteer State Community College

Guo-shuai LAN
professor, Henan University, School of Education

Noureddine Laouni
Associate Professor/ Professor Trainer, CRMEF - College of Education

Jennifer Larson
Duquesne University

Jen Laubscher
SUNY Oswego

Patrick Lay
Grand Canyon University

Melissa Layne

Christopher Layton
Instructional Designer @ Jamf, Boise State University

Toan Le
Swinburne University of Technology

Graham Lean

Young Sun Lee
University of Rochester

Liz Dempsey Lee
Quincy College

Marije Lesterhuis
University Medical Centre Utrecht

Grenoble Alpes University

Ping Li
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Qing Li
lecturer, University College London

Eunice Lim
Griffith University

University of Zululand

Julie Lindsay
Charles Sturt University

Ruth Lindsey-Armstrong
Red River College

lecture, Shandong Agricultural University

Bobby Lolley
Flrorida State University

Greg Lopez
Murdoch University

Corey Lott
Maria Carrillo High School/North Coast School of Education

Liz Louden
Athabasca University

Liz Louden
Athabasca University

Kevin Lumley

Jacqueline Lyndon
Instructor, University of Calgary

Erica Lyons
University of Windsor

Randy Macdonald
Computer Science Teacher, Corvallis High School

David Macdonald
Distance Learning Specialist (Instructional Designer), University of Guelph

Haruni Machumu
Senior Lecturer and Reseracher, Mzumbe University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Phyllis L MacIntyre
Fairleigh Dickinson University

Martha Madkins
Lakeland University

Khomotso Maffa

Amona Major
Doctoral Student, Syracuse University

Maud Makoni

Mark Christian M Mallare
Exact Colleges of Asia

Sayantan Mandal
IIT Jammu

Annah Shamiso Mandeya
Arrupe Jesuit University

Bhekimpilo Manuel
Transaction Monitoring Analyst, send money home

Sune Mare
Lecturer, University of South Africa

Jasmin Marko
oral roberts University

AnnMarie Marlier
Colorado State University Global

Bonnie Marlow

Stella Marrie
Union Institute & University

Patricia B. Marsh
University of Miami

Anina Marx
North West University

Nonhlanhla Masinga
University of South Africa

Dr. Gail Mazyck
Shaw University

Laura McCarthy
Director of the Academic Success Center, University of Hartford

Marcy McCarty
Associate Dean, School of Graduate and Professional Studies, Elizabethtown College

Sean McGagh
Lecturer, Atlantic Technological University Sligo

Jennifer McKanry
Instructional Designer; PhD candidate in Educational Psychology, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Analisa McMillan
UNMC College of Public Health

Mary Elizabeth McNabb
Athabasca University

Kathleen McNamara
Stonehill College

Krysta McNutt
Open Education Lead, University of Alberta

Rey Medenilla
University of Makati

Natasha van der Meer
Aspiring open source researcher,

Parisa Meisami
Program Manager for Data Services, Universities at Shady Grove (USG)

Lumberto Mendoza
Associate Professor, UP Diliman

Ammar Merhbi
Head of English Department/ Technology Enhanced Learning Specialist/ Founder of Eductechalogy, Dar Jana International School and Eductechalogy

Ronell van der Merwe
University of South Africa, Computer Science

Tedra Mewhirter
Northern Illinois University

Damien Michaud
Univeristy of Southern Maine

Joseph Miglio
Berklee College of Music

Kristin Millard
Maryville University

Randall Miller
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College

Brian Miller
Doctoral student, Arizona State University

Michellea Millis
Founder/Edupreneur/BIPOC STEMM Activist, BrownSTEM

Mary Sapna Peter Miranda
St. Albert's College (Autonomous), Ernakulam

Tracy Mitchell-Ashley
Georgian College

Gemma Mitchelson
Newcastle University

Gemma Mitchelson
Technology Enhanced Learning: Theme Lead, Newcastle University

Faith Mlotsa-Mngomezulu
PhD, Instructional designer in Higher Education, Southern Africa Nazarene University

Elizabeth Modarelli
Stark State College


Rosana Montes
Associate Professor, University of Granada

Suzanne Monthie
Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth

Dhereshni Moodley
SPARK Schools

Yishay Mor
Levinsky college of education

University of Benghazi

Siran Mukerji
Educationist, Indira Gandhi National Open University

Data Analyst, Great Zimbabwe University

Barbara Muszynska
academic teacher and researcher, University of Lower Silesia

Olena Mykhailenko

Chiharu Nakanishi
Kunitachi College of Music

Chiharu Nakanishi
Professor, Kunitachi College of Music

Mary Nørgaard-Larsen
Associate Professor, VIA University-VIA Design and Business

Consulting Business

Kas Nelson
Public School Administrator, Southern Nazarene University

Hari Prasad Nepal
PhD Student, University of Tartu

Northern Arizona University

José Augusto de Melo Neto

barbara nicolls
Senior Lecturer, Buckinghamshire New University

barbara nicolls
buckinghamshire new university

Anders Grov Nilsen
Associate Professor, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Salvatore Nizzolino
Adjunct Professor; Instructor; Tutor, Sapienza University of Rome

Jane Nodder
University of Lancaster

Terence Norwood
Mississippi State University

Lisa-Maria Norz
Junior Scientist, Umit - Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology


Russell O'Brien
Northern Illinois University

Adrian O'Connor
Lecturer in Technology Education, University of Limerick

Maria O'Donovan
Research Assistant, Aarhus University

Jessica O'Reilly
Cambrian College

Amy Oberfoell
University of Iowa

María José Suazo Ocares
Chief of Distance Education, Universidad de los Andes

James Kevins Odhiambo Ochieng

Tim Oftebro
Moberly Elementary School

Oludare Ogunyombo
Caleb University

George Sagini Okiomeri
Agricultural Extension Agent / TVET Educator, Kenya Technical Trainers College

Obasesam Okoi
University of St Thomas

Felix Kayode Olakulehin
National Open University of Nigeria

Corna Olivier
Lecturer Social Sciences, STEAM, Education, Stadio Higher Education

Muhideen Abiodun Oloyede
Postgraduate student, Researcher and Analyst, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria

Oyesola Oluwakemi
universite Cote d'Azur, Nice

Flinders University of South Australia

Christien Osinowo
Teacher (online, self-employed), Educational Centre

Nathaniel Ostashewski
Athabasca University - Centre for Distance Education

Sarah Otanga
Lecturer, Maseno University

Stefan Overton
Senior Lecturer, Arden University




Vesa Paajanen
Senior lecturer, Facilitator of online and blended learning, University of Eastern Finland

Aga Palalas
Athabasca University

Hyeyung Park
Athabasca University

Michael Parks
Fielding Graduate University

Laura Pastrik
George Brown College

Santanu Patra
Netaji Subhas Open University

FAE Centro Universitário

Elan Paulson
Conestoga College ITAL

Dawn M. Pearce
Assistant Principal, University of Central Oklahoma

Jennifer Peck
University of Wisconsin

Linlin Pei
University Twente

Marci Penner
GoldenHills School Division

Audrey Perry
Frontier Nursing University

shagufta perveen
national university of modern languages Islamabad Pakistan

Don Petersen
University of Miami

Sue Peterson
CSU Chico

Jennifer S. Peterson
University of Central Florida

Lora B. Pezzell
University of Central Oklahoma

Tuyen Phan
An Giang University

Paul Teske PhD
Found, Education Impact Exchange

Kathleen Norris PhD
Contributing Faculty Member, Walden University

Antonia Koslow PhD.
Prairie State College


Roshini Pillay
The University of the Witwatersrand

Amy Pinkerton
Johns Hopkins University: Bloomberg School of Public Health: Center for Teaching and Learning

Amber Porter
Learning and Instructional Design Specialist, University of Calgary

Stella Porto
Inter-American Development Bank

Elizabeth Powers
University of Texas at Arlington

Marshall Prescott
Pike Peek Community College

Robin Price
SLU Lab School

Rita Zuba Prokopetz
Educational Consultant,

Jamal S. Qaiyyim
Department of the Air Force

Ha Quach
Rmit Vietnam

Jessica M. Quintero
Texas State University

Ranjidha Rajan
MSU Denver

Rita Cui Ramos
University of the Philippines Open University

Ahmad Rana
Lancaster University

Ahmad Rana
Lecturer and PhD Student, Lancaster University

Rachel Rathman
Purdue University

Michele Rattigan
Drexel University

Maria Rowena (Wen) Raymundo
Associate Professor, University of the Philippines Open University

Ana Redstone
Lead Instructional Designer, Old Dominion University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Stefan Reindl
Researcher, BNU & UOC

Roberta Alvarenga Reis
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Sheri Rhodes
Mount Royal University

Benigno Glenn R. Ricaforte
Full Professor, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde

Julie Rigsby
Trevecca Nazarene University

Patricia Roebuck
Adjunct Professor for MBA, Grand Canton University

Gina Romano
Ocean County College

Edna Rooth
Author, online course content creator, facilitator, educator., LifeSkills Africa

Carly Sweeney Rosenzweig
Senior Education Consultant, Federation CJA

Kelly Ross
University of Oklahoma

Josey De Rossi
Fantastic Learning Systems

Christopher Rowe
Educational Support Technologist, Fanshawe College

Irina Rozhdestvenska
University of Customs and Finance

Jingjing Ruan
PhD student, Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Nottingham

Dr Jingjing Ruan
Xiamen University

Professor, Hunan University

Ayesha Sadaf
UNC Charlotte

Cathy Sagun
Temasek Polytechnic

Heather Saigo
Doctoral student; Adjunct instructor, Pepperdine University

Jeddah university

Carla Samuel
Concordia University

Sheriya Sareen
IIT Jammu

Muge Satar
Newcastle University

Nada Savicevic
Instructional Designer, Office of eLearning, Ryerson University, Toronto

Abdullah Saykili
Anadolu University

Mariángeles Castro Sánchez
Universidad Austral

Norma I Scagnoli
Research Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Learning Innovation, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Mathias Lund Schjøtz
Brain Gain Group / DTU

Steven Schneider
Ashford University

Lydia Schuck

Michael J. Scialdone
Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences, State University of New York at Fredonia

Ork Ngon Seng
Student, The Education University of Hong Kong

Brichaya Shah
Georgia State University

Bahareh Shahabi

Tanzila Shahid
Universiti Sains Malaysia

Shadi Shajiei
Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

Mary-Ann Shuker
Griffith University

Peter Shukie
Digital Innovation Lead/ Lecturer on Education Studies BA, University Centre Blackburn College

Swati Shukla
Research scholar, IGNOU

David Siemens
Capella University

Daniel de Augustinis Silva
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Jane Sim
California State University San Marcos

Karen Skibba
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Christie Smith
Doctoral Student, Abilene Christian University

Jean Smith
BScN Instructor, Red Deer College

Carmen Smith
University of Central Lancashire

Josie Smith
Senior Instructor, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Steve A. Solano
Sungkonghoe University

Elahe Solimani
EFL Teacher, Raaz Language Institute

Mark Sooy
Various - freelance teaching

Mary Sormanti
Columbia University

Dr Michael R Spano

Susan Spaulding
University of Washington

Jennifer Spiegel
Instructor, University Canada West

Andrea Squires
University of Massachusetts-Boston

vanessa stafford
University of Technology Sydney

Jeff Stanford
University of Lancaster

Sara Stanton
Programme Manager, Morley College

Nanda van der Stap
Open University, Netherlands, Hogeschool Utrecht, Netherlands

Kim Steele
State University of New York, University at Albany

Candis Steenbergen
John Abbott College

Laura Stermer
Program Administrator for Distance Center, Central Michigan University - Fort Leavenworth, KS

Evan Ogg Straub
University of Michigan

Elisabeth Stucklen
Instructional Designer, Online Learning Consortium

Kynda Stull
St Thomas University

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Lisa Sullivan
Grand Canyon University

Marcus Sundgren
Junior Lecturer, Mid Sweden University


Grazia R. Svokos
Northeastern University, College of Professional Studies

Agam Syahrial
Ohio University

Suzanne Szucs
Rochester Community and Technical College

Awareness to Action Institute

Vince Tango
Instructional Designer and Faculty,

Niki Raga Tantri
Online tutor, Universitas Terbuka

Roger Taylor
Suffolk University

Dr. Travis Taylor
Little Rock School District

Nur Syafiqah Ahmad Termidi
Postgraduate Student, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Bala Kumar Thambiah
Asia e University

Feliciano Thorpe
Point Hill Leased Primary & Junior High

Janice Thorpe
Director of Online Learning, Communication Department, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Anastasia Thymniou
AUTH University

Hayden Tidd

Laurel Tien
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Wayne Elihue Tillett

Päivi Timonen
Online-learning specialist, senior lecturer, Humak UAS

Päivi Timonen
Ph.D. student at the University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Media Pedagogy Hub, University of Lappland

Tomaso Tiraboschi
Fondazione ADAPT

Umesh Tiwari

Nirmal Trivedi
Kennesaw State University

Kate Tummino
Allegany College of Maryland

Maw Maw Tun
Northern Illinois University

Tuong Cao Tuong
FPT University

Maria Tzelepi
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Ozlem Uzun
Anadolu University

Teresa Valais
American University

Nikole Vaughn
Founder/CEO, Access IT: Coding Collaborative

Alma Vega
Instructional designer & faculty developer, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus

Dr. Jeanneath D. Velarde
Administrator, Researcher, Life Coach, Emilio Aguinaldo College- Cavite Philippines

Evelien Verschroeven
Innovation OIC

Evelien Verschroeven
founder/ teacher, Innovation OIC/ Thomas More University of Applied Sciences

Darren Wacker
Mankato Area Public Schools


Tzepin Wang
Master's student。, school

Sirui Wang
Instructional Designer, UCLA

Dr. Susan Ward
Delaware County Community College

Andrew Wash
University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy

JD Weagley
University of Southern Indiana

Tom Webster
De Montfort University

Carl Weckerle
Michigan State University

JIA Weichen
NingboTech University

Richard Weigel
Adjunct Faculty, Olivet Nazarene University

Gregg Wells
Texas A&M University

Antoinette Wentworth
Coordinator: Educational Technology, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Darlene White
St. Francis Xavier University

Bradley G. White
BETTER Of Course Inc.

David Wicks
Associate Professor, Chair of Digital Education Leadership, Seattle Pacific University

Tasya Jennifer Widagdo
Krida Wacana Christian University

Otis Wilder
Graduate Student, University of South Florida

Vanessia Wilkins
University at Albany

Janet Staker Woerner
Univeristy of Wisconsin Madison

Michael Wong
Assistant Professor, McMaster University

Andrew C Wood

Stephanie Woods
Adjunct Instructor, Grand Canyon University

Zach Wriston
Pennsylvania State University

Lecturer, China West Normal University

Iris Xin


Nan Yang
Researcher, Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences

Bo Yang
PhD student, University of Gothenburg

Minghui Ye

Volga Yilmaz-Gumus
Anadolu University

jiangsu normal university

Hennie Yip
Senior Educational Designer, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Jeongin Yoon
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Open University of Catalonia

Mohd Muslim Md Zalli
Lecturer, PhD student, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Martin Zgraggen
William Angliss Institute

Menyao Zhang
Northwest Normal University,China

Jing Zhang
Renmin University of China

Donna Ziegenfuss
University of Utah

Ilana Zigelman
Athabasca University

Ilana Zigelman

Dr Bongiwe Zulu
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Mutlu Şen-Akbulut
Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University


Joined March 9, 2025
University of Benghazi

Susan Jamieson
Joined February 26, 2025
University of Glasgow

Jon Jorgensen
Joined February 24, 2025
Professional Scrum Trainer, Landmark Agilists
I teach people how to use Professional Scrum to improve outcomes for problems or challenges in the complex, adaptive space in any field of

Michelle Cranny
Joined February 20, 2025
The Institute of Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy

Mary Sormanti
Joined February 18, 2025
Columbia University
The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.