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Continuing to teach in a time of crisis: The Chinese rural educational system's response and student satisfaction and social and cognitive presence
Wang, Jing · Yang, Yuqin · Li, Hongli · van Aalst, Jan

Published18 June 2021
JournalBritish Journal of Educational Technology
Volume 52, Issue 4, Pages 1494-1512
CountryChina, Asia

This research consisted of two studies to investigate how the Chinese rural educational system supported students' online learning and to determine the factors that influenced students' online learning quality (satisfaction and cognitive and social presence) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Study 1, based on interviews with three curriculum officers, seven principals and 30 course teachers, found that great efforts were made to realize digital equity and education for all students. The necessity of providing resources and support to teachers and students (facilitating conditions) was recognized, along with the importance of teachers' online course design and organization and the facilitation of discourse (teaching presence and social presence). Based on the findings of Study 1 and the literature review, a conceptual model of facilitating conditions and teaching presence reported to influence students' online learning quality was generated. In Study 2, 1,409 students from three rural primary schools were surveyed to test the conceptual model. The results indicated that facilitating conditions influenced students' online learning quality through enhanced technology self-efficacy and perceived usefulness. Teaching presence directly and positively predicted students' online learning quality. This research highlights the importance of creating a learning community and providing technology access and support to ensure online learning opportunities and quality for rural students.

Keywords community of inquiry · facilitating conditions · rural education · satisfaction

CoI focusFull model
MethodologyMixed methods unspecified
Study designInterview SS
Data analysisStructural equation modelling
Sample size1409
Study aim"To investigate the support and resources offered to Chinese rural primary school teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure online learning quality and to investigate factors that influence students' online learning quality."
Finding"Both facilitating conditions and teaching presence positively predicted students' online learning quality."
Rights2021 British Educational Research Association
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.