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The Development of a Community of Inquiry over Time in an Online Course: Understanding the Progression and Integration of Social, Cognitive and Teaching Presence
Akyol, Zehra and Garrison, D. Randy

PublishedDecember 2008
JournalJournal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 3-22
CountryCanada, North America

The purpose of this study was to explore the dynamics of an online educational experience through the lens of the Community of Inquiry framework. Transcript analysis of online discussion postings and the Community of Inquiry survey were applied to understand the progression and integration of each of the Community of Inquiry presences. The results indicated significant change in teaching and social presence categories over time. Moreover, survey results yielded significant relationships among teaching presence, cognitive presence and social presence, and students' perceived learning and satisfaction in the course. The findings have important implications theoretically in terms of confirming the framework and practically by identifying the dynamics of each of the presences and their association with perceived learning and satisfaction.

Keywords online learning · community of inquiry · social presence · cognitive presence · teaching presence · group identity · CoI survey · negotiated coding · perceived learning · satisfaction

CoI focusFull model
Study designCase study
Data analysisTranscript analysis
InstrumentCoI survey
Sample size16
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A Response to the Review of the Community of Inquiry Framework
Akyol, Zehra; Arbaugh, J. Ben; Cleveland-Innes, Marti; Garrison, D. Randy; et al.
The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has become a prominent model of teaching and learning in online and blended learning environments. Considerable research has been conducted which employs the framework with ...
Match: akyol, zehra; garrison, d. randy; full model; online learning; community of inquiry; cognitive presence; canada

Developing a community of inquiry instrument: Testing a measure of the Community of Inquiry framework using a multi-institutional sample
Arbaugh, J. B.; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Diaz, Sebastian R.; Garrison, D. Randy; et al.
This article reports on the multi-institutional development and validation of an instrument that attempts to operationalize Garrison, Anderson and Archer's Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (2000). The results of the ...
Match: garrison, d. randy; full model; community of inquiry; social presence; cognitive presence; teaching presence; canada

Researching the community of inquiry framework: Review, issues, and future directions
Garrison, D. Randy; Arbaugh, J. B.
Since its publication in The Internet and Higher Education, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer's [Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in ...
Match: garrison, d. randy; full model; community of inquiry; social presence; cognitive presence; teaching presence; canada

Critical Inquiry in a Text-Based Environment: Computer Conferencing in Higher Education
Garrison, D. Randy; Anderson, Terry; Archer, Walter
The purpose of this study is to provide conceptual order and a tool for the use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and computer conferencing in supporting an educational experience. Central to the study introduced ...
Match: garrison, d. randy; full model; community of inquiry; social presence; cognitive presence; teaching presence; canada

The impact of course duration on the development of a community of inquiry
Akyol, Zehra; Vaughan, Norm; Garrison, D. Randy
This study investigated the effect of time on the development of a community of inquiry by examining an online course offered over two different time periods. The study was guided by the Community of Inquiry (CoI) ...
Match: akyol, zehra; garrison, d. randy; online learning; community of inquiry; canada

Community of Inquiry in Adult Online Learning: Collaborative-Constructivist Approaches
Akyol, Zehra; Garrison, D. Randy
The adult education literature emphasizes community building in order to increase effectiveness and success of online teaching and learning. In this chapter the Community of Inquiry Framework that was developed by ...
Match: akyol, zehra; garrison, d. randy; full model; transcript analysis; canada

A Constructivist Approach to Online Learning: The Community of Inquiry Framework
Swan, Karen; Garrison, Randy; Richardson, Jennifer
This chapter presents a theoretical model of online learning, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, which is grounded in John Dewey‟s progressive understanding of education. The CoI framework is a process model of ...
Match: full model; online learning; community of inquiry; social presence; cognitive presence; teaching presence

Exploring presence in online learning through three forms of computer-mediated discourse analysis
Zhu, Meina; Herring, Susan C.; Bonk, Curtis J.
This case study examined patterns in online communication using computer-mediated discourse analysis to better understand how teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence are manifested in an online ...
Match: full model; transcript analysis; online learning; social presence; cognitive presence; teaching presence

The community of inquiry instrument: Validation and results in online health care disciplines
Carlon, S; Bennett-Woods, D; Berg, B; Claywell, L; et al.
This descriptive study using survey design sought to establish the efficacy of the Community of Inquiry instrument utilized in a study published by Shea and Bidjerano in Shea and Bidjerano, 2009a, Shea and Bidjerano, ...
Match: full model; online learning; community of inquiry; social presence; cognitive presence; teaching presence

Educational Communities of Inquiry
Akyol, Zehra; Garrison, D. Randy
Communications technologies have been continuously integrated into learning and training environments which has revealed the need for a clear understanding of the process. The Community of Inquiry (COI) Theoretical ...
Match: akyol, zehra; garrison, d. randy; full model; community of inquiry
The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.