A content analytic comparison of FTF and ALN case-study discussions
Published | 2003 |
Conference | 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Pages 10 |
Country | United States, North America |
While much research has shown that ALNs can produce learning equivalent to FTF classrooms, there has been little empirical research that explicitly and rigorously explores similarities and differences between the learning processes that occur in ALN and FTF activities. Transcripts from eight case study discussions, 4 FTF, 4 ALN, were content analyzed. The study used a content analytic framework derived primarily from previous work of Anderson, Archer, Garrison and Rourke. These authors developed a model that studies cognitive, social, and teaching processes in ALN discussions. Based on the work of Aviv (2000), the current scheme also considers characteristics of the discourse process. The findings provide evidence that ALNs generate high levels of cognitive activity, at least equal to, and in some cases superior to, the cognitive processes in the FTF classroom.Keywords | asynchronous learning networks · equivalence · discussion · transcript analysis · discourse |
CoI focus | Full model |
Methodology | Mixed Method |
Population | Undergraduate |
Study design | Case study |
Data analysis | Transcript analysis |
Contribution | Methodological |
Sample size | 120 |
Study aim | "To provide a rich, detailed, descriptive comparison of actual case study discussions in both FTF and ALN modes." |
Finding | "... a combination of FTF and ALN methods might prove beneficial for on-campus students." |
Language | English |
ISBN | 0-7695-1874-5 |
Refereed | Yes |
DOI | 10.1109/HICSS.2003.1173631 |
URL | http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= |
Export | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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