2022 | Event | Role | Host Affiliation and Description |
16-Jan – 12-Feb | Blended Learning Practice MOOC | Instructor | AU-COL MOOC Course Offering |
28-Jan | Back to School: How to Transition from Virtual Learning to Face-to Face Instruction | Keynote | Philippine |
09-Feb | Digital Campus Focussing on Social Interaction | Presenter | Mid Sweden University Lecturer for an internal and digital seminar on the topic of digital campus with a focus on social interaction. |
13-Feb – 19-Mar | Learning to Learn Online MOOC 16 | Instructor | AU MOOC Course Offering 5-week AU MOOC offering |
24-Feb | Reimagining the Futures of Sustainable Higher Education Towards 2050 | Facilitator | UNISA South Africa This event is a combination of Keynote presentations, panels and discussion forum / break-out session. Invitation to facilitate a session at the UFN conference Reimagining the Futures of Sustainable Higher Education Towards 2050 on the framework of “the upcoming third UNESCO World Higher Education Conference” in Barcelona, May 2022. |
25-Feb | Rethinking Instructional Design for Learning Engagement (RIDLE) | Keynote | University of California, Riverside Overview of the Community of Inquiry, what the research says, and a few examples of how social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence have been applied in the higher education classroom setting. |
27-Mar – 23-Apr | Leading Change in Teaching and Learning for a Digital World MOOC 1 | Design, Delivery, Instructor | AU-COL MOOC Course Offering Create new MOOC - The introductory-level LCTL MOOC will provide frameworks and practical approaches to the leadership and change management required for implementing technology into teaching and learning. This free, 4-week MOOC provided by the CoL in partnership with AU is open to administrators, teachers, and other educational professionals. |
01-Apr | Karen Swan Memorial CoI Panel Participant | Panel Expert | University of Illinois Springfield This Zoom event will include three consecutive 45-minute panels of three experts who co-researched and/or co-authored with Karen. The topics include Community of Inquiry, Technology-Enhanced Learning, and Predictive Analytics. Each panel will be moderated by a UIS faculty member who worked closely with Karen. The focus will be on your engagement with Karen as well as recent developments and a glimpse of the future of the panel topic. |
17-May | Networked Learning Conference | Keynote | Mittuniversitetet Mid Sweden Present on the higher education network reform, digital literacies, and leading education change. The importance of networked, or technology-enabled, lifelong learning will be integrated from the latest suggestions from the UNESCO report on a new social contract for education, and our recent research. |
21-May | Academic Publishing Workshop | Presenter | Seattle Pacific University Academic publishing workshop |
01-Jun | Faculty Development BOLT Symposium | Keynote | University of Sherbrooke Bring some research results on blended and online learning, on how to make the experience in these kinds of courses meaningful for students and then to bring some inspiration, practice suggestions, and leadership. The themes for the other presentations are on: Institutional adoption of blended learning, course design in blended learning, BL and UDL, digital literacy, serious games, different types of blended learning, assessment in a blended learning context. |
23-Jun | Higher Education Change in Teaching and Learning and the Role of Digital Communities of Inquiry | Presenter | Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS Consortium) with member institutions in Puerto Rico, United States, and Latin America |
12-Jul | 2022 International Conference on Open and Innovative Education | Presenter | Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) formerly the Open University of Hong Kong, Man Tin, Hong Kong This important international event will take place as a hybrid conference and will be held on 13–15 July 2022 both physically at our campus (in Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong) and virtually through our teleconferencing system. Topic: How research can inform pedagogical innovations. Presentation: Education for a digital world: Leading change in teaching and learning |
04-Aug | Researching Community of Inquiry Design in Open, Digital, and Distance Education | Keynote | University of South Africa (UNISA) | UNESCO - Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) e-Conference The aim of the conference is to encourage scholarly debate on contemporary and new opportunities, challenges and models facing research in open distance and e-leaning in a global connected digital era. Presentation: Researching Community of Inquiry Design in Open, Digital, and Distance Education |
11-Sept – 15-Oct | Learning to Learn Online MOOC 17 | Instructor | AU MOOC Course Offering |
29-Sept– 31-Dec | Sessions and Consultations | Instructor Presenter | National University of Singapore 23 hours of synchronous meetings and consultations with departments and faculties of the National University of Singapore; facilitating group sessions and serving as keynote speaker at conferences. *Note: hours do not include academic preparation and response to conference time. |
12-Oct | Online Learning, Blended Learning, Higher Education, and Lifelong Learning | Presenter | Malmö University, Sweden Seminar series in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Fall 2022. VB: Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL) seminar series in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The seminar has three meetings per semester and teaching employees from the university are invited to participate. Discussion topics to include higher education teaching and learning as well as hybrid teaching, What challenges and possibilities do we recognize in connection to hybrid? Presentation: Leading Change in Teaching and Learning for a Digital World |
16-Oct – 12-Nov | Learning to Learn Online Express MOOC 6 | Instructor | AU MOOC Course Offering Learning to Learn Online Express MOOC offered in response to request from the Greece |
16-Oct – 12-Nov | Leading Change in Teaching and Learning for a Digital World MOOC 2 | Instructor | AU-COL MOOC Course Offering The introductory-level LCTL MOOC will provide frameworks and practical approaches to the leadership and change management required for implementing technology into teaching and learning. This free, 4-week MOOC provided by the CoL in partnership with AU is open to administrators, teachers, and other educational professionals. |
17-Nov | Digital Literacy Framework Working Group | Participant | AEST Digital Policy and Programs (BC) The Digital Literacy Framework has been updated to reflect the feedback received. We wanted to provide this group with the opportunity to review the changes we have made before taking further steps. |
24-Nov | Best Practices for Online/ Hybrid Teaching and Learning Grounded in the Community of Inquiry Framework | Speaker | Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana, Indonesia Speaking at a workshop on Best Practices for Online/Hybrid Teaching and Learning grounded in the Community of Inquiry Framework. Provide an update on research findings on how teachers have been using CoI practices to foster a collaborative learning environment in different hybrid classroom contexts, including the in-person component of the course. |
02-Dec | 7th International Conference on Advances in Technology and Computing (ICATC 2022) | Keynote | University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka Utilization of digital technologies toward sustainable development. Keynote on teaching and learning in a digital world for the track entitled the smart teaching and learning for sustainable development. Presentation: Teaching and learning in a digital world. With discussion on the successful incorporation of technology in the classroom with an emphasis on blended learning, OER, and teaching in the post-covid era with technology. |
Professor, Open, Digital, and Distance Education, Athabasca University
Students' support of their own and other students' process of inquiry in an online chat system
Malin Jansson
October 13, 2022
As a part of this doctoral thesis students’ teaching presence were studied. The purpose of the thesis has been to explore how students support their own and other students' process of inquiry while engaging in online tutoring sessions, as well as to
LACOI: Representation of a Community of Inquiry in Cooperative Online-based Courses through Learning Analytics
Lisa-Maria Norz, Elske Ammenwerth, Werner Hackl, Verena Dornauer, Eva Kaczko
September 23, 2020
The Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology UMIT TIROL ( www.umit-tirol.at
Use of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model in the analysis and evaluation of courses at UNED (Spain)
Inés Gil-Jaurena
March 26, 2018
The project (March-December 2018) analyzed the educational practices in 25 courses delivered at UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Spain, using the"Community of Inquiry" (CoI) framework. The aim was to set recommendations based on the
Recent learning development activities
Martha Cleveland-Innes
January 8, 2018
iMOOCs and Learning to Learn Online
Martha Cleveland-Innes, Nathaniel Ostashewski, Dan Wilton
August 25, 2017
Athabasca University is known for its leadership and innovation in distance education. The emergence of MOOCs was of both interest and concern;