The Community of Inquiry in blended synchronous designs
Published | 31 January 2024 |
Book title | The Design of Digital Learning Environments: Online and Blended Applications of the Community of Inquiry Pages 133–151 |
Publisher | Routledge |
Editors | Cleveland-Innes, Martha F. · Stenbom, Stefan · Garrison, D. Randy |
Blended synchronous courses are characterized by students attending the same session both face-to-face and via digital technologies. Challenges have been identified when it comes to establishing and sustaining a shared community among all participants in these contexts. This chapter reports applying the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework in a program where students living close to the university attend face-to-face, while remote students attend the sessions synchronously online. The principles of collaboration and co-construction of knowledge are transformed into guiding principles that foster all students’ integration and equal engagement in a blended, synchronous, community of inquiry.ISBN | 9781003246206 |
DOI | 10.4324/9781003246206-10 |
URL | |
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Perceptions within a Virtual Community of Practice: A Q-Method Study
Rodriguez, Gregory
Incorporating people's values and beliefs into virtual communities is an important component of sustainable communities of practice. The purpose of this study is to better understand the beliefs and perspectives of ...
Match: community
A study of students' sense of learning community in online environments
Shea, Peter
This paper looks first at some of the often unspoken epistemological, philosophical, and theoretical assumptions that are foundational to student-centered, interactive online pedagogical models. It is argued that these ...
Match: community
A study of teaching presence and student sense of learning community in fully online and web-enhanced college courses
Shea, Peter; Li, Chun Sau; Pickett, Alexandra
This paper focuses on two components of a model for online teaching and learning—“teaching presence” and “community”. It is suggested that previous research points to the critical role that community plays in ...
Match: community
The Evaluation of Collaborative Synchronous Learning Environment within the Framework of Interaction and Community of Inquiry: An Experimental Study
Aslan, Alper
This study aims to investigate a collaborative synchronous learning environment in terms of students’ community of inquiry perceptions (cognitive, social, and teaching presences) and interaction levels. This ...
Match: synchronous; community
Validación de la versión en castellano del cuestionario 'Community of Inquiry'
Velázquez, Belén Ballesteros; Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Encina, Javier Morentin
Presentamos el estudio de la fiabilidad y validez del cuestionario 'Community of Inquiry' (CoI) en su versión española. El modelo CoI concibe la enseñanza-aprendizaje en entornos on-line como proceso de indagación, ...
Match: community
Exploring Community College Student Perceptions of Online Learning
Morris, Terry Ann
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore community college student perceptions of online learning within the theoretical construct of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model, which describes the manner in which ...
Match: community
An investigation into the community of inquiry of blended classrooms by a Faculty Learning Community
Wicks, David A.; Craft, Baine B.; Mason, Geri N.; Gritter, Kristine; Bolding, Kevin
A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) comprised of six professors representing different disciplines came together to study, develop, and teach blended learning courses. As an FLC, the researchers sought to evaluate ...
Match: community
Designing a Community of Inquiry in Online Courses
Flock, Holly
This article describes a practical approach for implementing instructional strategies in order to build a Community of Inquiry (CoI) into an online course. Online community building has positive effects on the quality ...
Match: community
Community of Inquiry as an instructional approach: What effects of teaching, social and cognitive presences are there in blended synchronous learning and teaching?
Szeto, Elson
Little research has been conducted to integrate teaching, social and cognitive presences as three instructional components of an instructional approach to contextualizing blended synchronous learning and teaching ...
Match: synchronous; community
Developing a community of inquiry instrument: Testing a measure of the Community of Inquiry framework using a multi-institutional sample
Arbaugh, J. B.; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Diaz, Sebastian R.; Garrison, D. Randy; et al.
This article reports on the multi-institutional development and validation of an instrument that attempts to operationalize Garrison, Anderson and Archer's Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (2000). The results of the ...
Match: community