@article { title = {Online Learning: Patterns of Engagement and Interaction Among In-Service Teachers}, author = {Pawan, Faridah and Paulus, Trena M. and Yalcin, Semon and Chang, Ching-Fen}, abstract = {Language teacher education programs attempt to foster collaboration amongst pre-service and in-service teachers. The approach is in place in an online teacher education program in a Midwestern university where the current study was undertaken. Collaborative interactions are an essential element of any pedagogy which assumes that good learning is collaborative and that understanding comes through modeling, participation in, and reaction to the behaviors and thoughts of others. This study was conducted with the following objectives: (a) to analyze the patterns and types of collaborative interactions taking place in three online classes; and (b) to use these findings as a guide in the design of instructional interventions. Our goal is to understand the practice of collaborative teaching and learning so that assistance can be provided to support instructor efforts to include collaborative interactions in their courses. We used Garrison, Anderson, and Archer's (2001) "practical inquiry" model as a framework for the study. Without instructors' explicit guidance and "teaching presence," students were found to engage primarily in "serial monologues." Based on the findings, we propose three intervention strategies that may help instructors increase collaborative interactions in online discussions.}, year = {2003}, month = {/2003}, language = {English}, journal = {Language Learning & Teaching}, volume = {7}, issue = {3}, pages = {119-140}, country = {United States}, doi = {10125/25217}, issn = {1094-3501}, refereed = {yes}, keywords = {language learning, teacher education, collaboration, collaborative interaction, practical inquiry model, serial monologue}, }